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Your Eye Health – Dr. Marc Robinson

An exceptional, accurate, and comfortable eyeglass prescription is a vital part of your eye exam; and in our office the doctor always performs this portion of your exam directly.

However there’s more to your vision than the prescription. We need to maintain healthy
eyes to sustain vision and clarity throughout life. We employ advanced technology in our office to detect and prevent vision loss.

This technology includes Optomap Retinal Imaging, in which we are able to map your
retina to help in detection of many eye diseases including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cancers of the eye, and retinal detachments. At Gainesville Vision we perform this imaging on every patient, and review the images on a large display screen in the exam room with each patient. This allows patients to visualize potential problems, and allows the doctor to better record and compare slowly progressing year-to-year changes in the structures of the eyes.

We have a suite of technologies for the treatment and management of glaucoma and
macular degeneration. This includes Optical Coherence Technology (OCT) and Humphery
Visual Field testing, for diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and other conditions.

Apart from these technologies, we examine the structures of your cornea, lens, macula,
and retina in 3D using a special microscope. This allows the detection and management of
cataracts, dry eye syndrome, diabetic retinopathy, and many other chronic conditions.

In our office we want you to see the best you can, but furthermore we want to help you
maintain clear and comfortable vision for the rest of your life.

Please contact our office to schedule an eye exam today.

Marc Robinson, OD
Gainesville Vision