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Comprehensive Eye Examinations

waiting room

A multistep process to optimize your vision.

In order to maintain and protect vision, we take extraordinary steps in the examination of each set of eyes. Your eyes will be examined for early detection of blinding diseases, as well as a thorough evaluation of the visual system.

At Gainesville Vision, we utilize retinal imaging on each patient. The incorporation of this instrumentation allows us to capture your retina, macula, optic nerves, and deeper layers of the eyes that could not be examined previously. During your exam, the doctor will show you the inside of your eyes on a large viewing screen and explain what structures are being examined. The doctor will utilize a microscope to view the front of the eye, the structures inside the eye, and the structures in the back of the eye. In our office, we perform an advanced method of checking eye pressures that do not involve puffing air into your eyes.

At Gainesville Vision, the doctor will always perform the testing to determine your prescription, not the technician. Your visual system, 3D vision, focusing ability, eye muscle movement, and binocularity will always be taken into account when it comes to the doctor’s prescription. Because we utilize lenses with better optics than what is widely available, we are able to significantly reduce most symptoms of blur, distortion, and eyestrain.

Learn about Dr. Robinson and Dr. Chun’s contact lens fitting process.

Learn about our staff’s expertise in fitting glasses.