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Quality Lenses and Expertise

Image comparing GV vs ChainOptical lens selectionsVision Science Based Solutions

Eyeglass Lenses

At Gainesville Vision, our eyeglass lenses set us apart. We use superior materials that are light, thin, and provide exceptional optics. The clarity, durability, and process are distinctively different from the way mail-order and supermarket glasses are produced.

Our lenses are extremely scratch-resistant and do not peel like lower quality green “dipped” lenses. This green film eventually scratches, peels and bubbles. You won’t see any green film on our lenses.

We don’t use polycarbonate or other high distortion lenses that chain opticals make glasses out of. We properly measure, align and surface each lens to provide the same clarity seen in the exam room when examined by the doctor.

Many people don’t realize that even with the same prescription, different lenses induce different effects in the center and periphery of the vision. If your glasses make you appear to have “bug eyes” or you notice rainbow colors if looking in any direction but straight, you’ve likely experienced aberrations or distortions. We are experts in minimizing these effects.

Image of our Frame Room

Eyeglass Frames

We offer a wide selection of quality frames and luxury brands.
All of our frames come with a 1-year warranty. We will replace your frame if any problem arises. Frame preferences are of course important, however, each person has different facial anatomy and a different prescription magnitude that will affect both the cosmetic and functional features of the final product. We always deliver a pair of glasses that still look great when your lenses are actually inside and will always advise against frame choices that will lead to a poor outcome.

We are committed to making your glasses properly, so you can see great and feel confident. Even with very high prescriptions, we are equipped to make your glasses appear normal and not a distraction. If you receive your glasses and aren’t happy with the look of your frame, that’s no problem at all, you can choose a different frame. We’ll re-measure and resurface the lenses based on new frames at no additional charge. If it turns out that you actually want the original pair, we won’t hold that against you either.

Gainesville Vision Guarantee

We guarantee that your eyeglass lenses will be the best quality you’ve ever had. Your glasses will feature quality optics, exceptional transparency, clarity, and durability.

Complete Warranty for 1 Year

We will replace your lenses and frame if any damage, scratches, or breakage occurs.
If you lose your glasses we replace your lenses at no charge.


An understanding of optics and the properties of optical alignment will be utilized in order to properly fit you, taking into account what the frame and lenses will look like on your face when the prescription is filled.

Local Service

Remounts, adjustments, replacement screws, and nose pads are included on all glasses we’ve produced.


You’ll love your eyeglasses. If not, we guarantee to make it right for you. If we are unable to, we’ll provide you with a full refund.

If you need service for any Gainesville Vision glasses, please text us: 352-448-3932