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Associate Doctor Search

exterior of practice

Gainesville Vision is a local private-practice, focused on delivering high quality eye care. Our new construction facility is beautiful and is equipped with 4 exam lanes, designed for efficiency and aesthetics. The practice is centered around fulfilling doctor needs in order to deliver the best for our patients. Our patient base consists primarily of working professionals, including university faculty, doctors, engineers and researchers.

Our focus is on the core of optometric theory; delivering clear, comfortable vision for our patients and meeting the needs of our professional patient demographic. We have a suite of modern diagnostic equipment including optomap, oct, virtual field, pachemytry etc. Our unique staff is competent and focused and they understand the science and philosophy behind how and why we prescribe for refractive conditions very well. We have developed a community within our staff. Our Staff Culture.

Our practice growth has been unprecedented in the 5 years that we have been in operation and is expanding soon to a second office that is under construction in a neighboring city. We are searching for an individual who wants to build together and have a larger role than simply seeing patients but wants to become a doctor-partner.

Please click here for our interest form and our managing doctor will contact you directly.